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Bombay (Oh) Blood Group (3446) » 4.jpg
Filename: 4.jpg
[Bombay (Oh) Blood Group]
I have got a patient with Bombay (Oh ) blood group. (She was labeled as O Positive by a lab in her own country). As this is my first case of Bombay blood group, I need experts opinion on this.  
The patients cells showed no agglutination with Anti-A, Anti-B & anti-H, and showed agglutination with Anti-D on forward grouping by slide & tube method. On reverse grouping patient’s serum showed agglutination with known A B & O cells at room temperature.  
I have presented the tests done for this sample in submitted images. I think what I have done is enough to label this sample/patient as a Bombay (Oh) phenotype, Rh Positive. Am I right? Or Do I need to do any more tests? How to differentiate Bombay (Oh) phenotype from para Bombay phenotype?  
Sender: munafdesai
2007-07-09 23:24
INCTR - EBMWG Hematopathology Online

Last modified: 2007-07-09 23:24:38